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General information about onTrak

User Guide

Complete user instructions

iOS App

Download the Agricision iOS app free on the App Store

Android App

Download the Agricision Android app free on the Play Store

Intro video

Watch a short overview of onTrak

What’s In the Box

A brief look at the onTrak and what you will find in the box 

Scanstrut Mounts

We have several options available for mounting tablets and smartphones securely on the machine

Getting Started

This video shows just how easy it is to get started with onTrak.

Intro video

Watch a short overview of onTrak

Scanstrut Mounts

We have several options available for mounting tablets and smartphones securely on the machine

Technical Info

onTrak application 
operating system

For hassle free / best performance use the most up to date phone / tablet available

For Android Devices The Play Store will not allow the app to be downloaded on devices that are not compatible. If you can download the app your device is compatible.

The iOS app is downloadable onto older devices but for best performance use a iOS device running the latest apple software (iOS 14).

Minimum requirement iOS 9 with Bluetooth 4.0

No Sim Card needed

Working units

Hectares, acres, mph and km/h


LI-ION 3.7V 2050mAh 7.59Wh battery

Minimum 24 hour autonomy from full charge

5.0 V USB charge

5 hour charge time

Life exp ectancy – 80% of initial capacity after 400 charge/ discharge cycles


The enclosure is rated at IP54 using the International Protection Marking , IEC standard 60529


Storage  -20 °C to +45 °C
Operating  -20 °C to +60 °C
Charging  0°C to +45 °C

Position receiver

GPS/QZSS L1 C/A, GLONASS L10F BeiDou B1I, Galileo E1B/C SBAS L1 C/A:


10Hz update rate

80th percentile 15min, Pass to Pass accuracy <30cm

Operating ranges

Min speed 2km /h

Max speed 80km /h

Min implement width setting 0.1m

Max implement width setting 40m


Unit weight 0.75 kg

240mm x 150mm x 90mm

With package and accessories 1.1 kg

250mm x 170mm x 110mm


Agricision onTrak complies with the following EU directives:

Directive 2014/53/ EU (Radio Equipment)

Directive 2014/35/ EU (Safety)

Directive 2014/30/EU (EMC)

Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS)

Directive 2006/66/EC (Battery)

Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE)

How to buy onTrak


By being mounted on the bonnet, onTrak has two key advantages.

onTrak detects course changes first

When your GPS receiver is mounted further forward, on or ahead of the front wheels, it can detect going off-course ahead of a roof-mounted device, as shown here.

onTrak allows for better driver view

With your light bar (built into onTrak) positioned on the bonnet, as a driver you can look out of the window to the horizon, and still have onTrak in your field of view, making for a better user experience.

How to buy onTrak


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